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About Jeff Nelson

Name           Jeff Nelson
Education     M.S. Applied Mathematics, University of Arizona
Employers    Nelson & Associates,  Google,  eBay,  Dialogos

Past Projects


  • United States Patent 8239662    Filed March 9, 2009
Inventors: Jeffrey Nelson    Assigned: Google

A patent issued for Google Chrome OS. The original work, codenamed Google OS at that time, was done in 2006 and 2007.

  • United States Patent 8239662    Filed Nov 7, 2008
Inventors: Jeffrey Nelson    Assigned: Google

A patent issued for Google Chrome OS. The original work, codenamed Google OS at that time, was done in 2006 and 2007.

  • United States Patent 
  • 8381272   Filed February 21, 2007
Inventors: , David Jeske    Assigned: Google

A technique for strengthening password-based credentials for web transactions by introducing user indicia and a high entropy secret strengthening protocol.

Patent Figure 1



The Future of Distributed Computing, StandardView.

Copying and Moving Objects, Java Report Online.


Google Gets Umbrella Patent For Cloud Operating Systems, Tom's Hardware

Google Assigned Patent for Network Based Operating System across Devices, MSPAlliance

Cloud Operating System - is it Chrome OS?, TechIndigo

Patented Google Chrome OS, The Driessen Post

OMG Readies CORBABeans Object Model, InfoWorld

Vendor Politics May Delay Next EJB Release, InfoWorld

OMG to define CORBA 3.0 with EJB, Visual Development Support, JavaWorld

Programming Mobile Objects with Java, Book review, Neigl Armstrong

Programming Mobile Objects with Java, Book review, Bookooze

The First Online Sports Game. Wired, Issue #6. December 1993. (Obsidian, Print edition only)

Cited by

Architectural Design of Multi-Agent SystemsHong Ling, 2010

Software Engineering, K.A. Saleh, J Ross Publishing, 2009

Mariela Cerrada , Juan Cardillo , Jose Aguilar , Raúl Faneite, Agents-based design for fault management systems in industrial processes, Computers in Industry, v.58 n.4, p.313-328, May, 2007


Component Agent Systems: BuildingArchitectural Design of Multi-Agent Systems: Technologies and Techniques (2007): 95.

Design Patterns in Learning to ProgramDiss. Flinders University, 2006.

Agentes de software: tecnologías, herramientas y aplicacionesGuillermo de Ockham: Revista científica 3.1 (2005): 131-142

モバイルエージェント技術と研究動向 Mobile Agent Technology


R. Ponnusamy , T. V. Gopal, Multi-agent based user access patterned optimal content allocation method for federated video digital libraries, Proceedings of the 7th international conference on Intelligent Information Technology, December 20-23, 2004, Hyderabad, India

Agent-Based Secure E-Payment System in E-CommerceMobile commerce applications (2004): 259.

A Modularized Electronic Payment System for Agent-based E-Commerce, National University of Singapore, 2004

Design and implementation of distributed file access for mobile devicesDiss. Concordia University, 2002.

Review of Mobility Systems, TCD Science Technical Report

Hybrid Cluster Computing with Mobile objects, 4 th IEEE International Conference/Exhibition on High Performance Computing in Asia-Pacific. Beijin

The PaCMAn Metacomputer: parallel computing with Java mobile agents

Dynamic evolution of network management software by software hot-swappingIntegrated Network Management Proceedings, 2001 IEEE/IFIP International Symposium on. IEEE, 2001.

Facility provision using mobile agentsDatabase and Expert Systems Applications, 2001. Proceedings. 12th International Workshop on. IEEE, 2001.

A mobile agent-based architecture for on-demand processing of remote-sensing archiveHigh Performance Computing in the Asia-Pacific Region, 2000. Proceedings. The Fourth International Conference/Exhibition on. Vol. 1. IEEE, 2000.

An object-based framework for communication servicesService Portability and Virtual Customer Environments, 2000 IEEE. IEEE, 2000.

As strong as possible mobility: An Architecture for stateful object migration on the Internet6th ECOOP Workshop on Mobile Object Systems: Operating System Support, Security and Programming Languages, Sophia Antipolis (France). 2000.

Mobile agents and the sara digital libraryIn Proceedings of IEEE Advances in Digital Libraries 2000 , 2000

About Distributed and Mobile Objects and Components in Java, M Ivanovic

Self-organising Mobile Agent Based Proxies for Web Digital LibrariesPonnusamy, R., and T. V. Gopal.

Using Replication and Caching to Achieve Low Read and Grite Latencies in Distributed ObjectsToh, Hann Wei, Hinny Pe Hin Kong, and Mohammed Yakoob Siyal. 

Advanced Research in Computers and Communications in Education

ICCE '99 Proceedings, New Human Abilities for the Networked Society, Volume 1

Coordinating Support for Every Phase of Computing, OMA Note

Supporting disconnected operation in mobile corba, N Lynch, 1999

A Meta-protocol and Type system for the Dynamic Coupling of Binary Components by Coupling Of Binary, Ralf H. Reussner, Dirk Heuzeroth, Universität Karlsruhe - In Proceedings of the OOPSLA’99 Workshop on Object Oriented Reflection and Software Engineering , 1999

Mobile Objects: A Revolution in Distributed Systems

Dynamic Coupling of Binary Components and its Technical Support by Dirk Heuzeroth And, Dirk Heuzeroth, Ralf H. Reussner - In First Workshop on Generative and Component based Software Engineering, 1999

THE CELLULAR HIERARCHY INFORMATION MODELING ENVIRONMENTAdvanced Engineering & Sciences, ITT Industries at the Center for Computational Sciences, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington D.C.

The Internet and the Aspiring Game Programmer.   Ian Parberry, UNT. 1995 []

*Jeff Nelson is a very common name.  I am Jeff Nelson, the software technologist in Northern California who wrote or did the above.  NOT Jeff Nelson the baseball player, umpire, hockey player, runner, church elder, lawyer, musician, Canadian, or militant anti-vegetarian.